It’s A Major Award…

ERTC Chairman Mary Ann Turner, 2018 CT GOP Pat Longo Leadership Award Recipient

No, we’re not talking about a leg lamp.  The Connecticut Republican Party will be presenting the Pat Longo Leadership Award to Enfield’s own Mary Ann Turner at the 2018 Prescott Bush Dinner on Thursday, September 27th.

“The Pat Longo Leadership Award,” explained Rebecca Michlin, Executive Director of the CT GOP, “is given to a Connecticut Republican who best exemplifies leadership for the Republican Party as seen by (former RNC member) Pat Longo.  And we can think of no better person to honor this year than Mary Ann Turner.”

These same sentiments were echoed by JR Romano, Chairman of CT GOP.  “Mary Ann works tirelessly for the Republican Party and her community,” said Chairman Romano.  “Mary Ann cares deeply about her community and does everything she can to make Connecticut, Enfield and her party better.  Mary Ann has certainlyearned this well-deserved honor.”

Members of the Enfield Republican Town Committee were thrilled to hear the great news.  “Mary Ann has been a great friend for many years… to me and to Enfield” said Kelly Hemmeler, Vice-Chairman of the ERTC.  “I’m so happy she’s getting the recognition she deserves.”  Enfield Board of Education member Chris Rutledge felt the same way.  “You couldn’t ask for a better Chairman, friend or mentor than Mary Ann Turner” said Rutledge.  “She’s always there to answer a question and to help steer you in the right direction.”

JR Romano (Back-Left) with Mary Ann Turner and local candidates Rich Regnier, Kelly Hemmeler and Peter Falk on Election Day 2017

Mary Ann Turner has been a long-time resident of Enfield.  She currently serves on the Board for the North Central District Health Department and is Secretary for Enfield’s Zoning Board of Appeals.  Mary Ann has also been Chairman of the Enfield Republican Town Committee for 12 years and is a member of the Connecticut Republican Party Committee.  She has also been recognized for being instrumental in maintaining Republican majorities in Enfield Government for the last decade and was quintessential in achieving Republican victories in State Legislature races throughout North-Central Connecticut back in 2016.

Mary Ann Turner (Middle) at the swearing in of State Representatives (L to R): Greg Stokes, Tami Zawistowski, Carol Hall and Scott Storms.

“My goal has always been to turn Connecticut back onto a path to prosperity,” said Mary Ann Turner upon hearing about the award.  “I’ve got a great team to work with.  And with the better team and the best message, it makes my job a bit easier.  I’m just so grateful to the (Connecticut Republican) Party and plan on keeping up the hard work to help make Connecticut great again.”

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