The Enfield Republican Town Committee

– To Return Individual Liberty, Affordability, and Common-Sense Government in Enfield
– To Educate Voters and to Grow the Party
– To Recruit, Support, and Help Elect Republican Candidates

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When and Where We Meet

The Enfield Republican Town Committee meets on the 1st Thursday of the month, at 7:00 pm.
We normally meet in the Town Council Chambers at the Enfield Town Hall.
Enfield Town Hall is located at 820 Enfield Street in Enfield, CT 06082.

Guests and prospective members are welcomed to our meetings.
All we ask is that you let us know you will be joining us. Submit our contact form, email us at

Image of the letter R with red white and blue vote buttons as the letter's coloring.
Voter Resources

Local elections are important! Your vote makes a difference.

Enfield District Map
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Election day registration
Mail-in voter registration forms (English/Spanish)
Where to vote
Absentee voting information
Absentee Ballots – Sandy Hayward,
Resident Resources

Resources for residents of Enfield CT.

Small Business Resources

Helpful resources for your business.

Volunteer Opportunities

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Free Online College Course

From Hillsdale College

Town of Enfield Fun-Facts

Seceding from MA

In 1750 Enfield seceded from Massachusetts and became part of Connecticut Colony.

The Great Awakening

On July 8, 1741 Jonathan Edwards  preached one of the most intense sermons of all times–”Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God“–at Enfield’s second meeting house. 

First Carpet Mill

Orrin Thompson established the first carpet mill on Freshwater (also known as Asnuntuck) Brook in 1828.

Gunpowder Industry

In 1835 Allen Loomis built a small black powder mill in Powder Hollow in Scitico. In 1837 Augustus Hazard joined the firm and quickly became the driving force behind the gunpowder industry in Enfield.

Enfield’s Name

The law that incorporated the town as Enfield does not give any reason or explanation for the name.  A best guess is that Enfield, Connecticut was named after Enfield, England by the English settlers who founded it.

Lake Hitchcock

Enfield was long-ago buried under thousands of feet of ice of the Wisconsinan Ice Sheet. The ice gradually melted, forming glacial Lake Hitchcock about 12,900 years ago. That 150 mile long lake stretched from Rocky Hill, CT to Lyme, NH

Being Republican

The Republican Party rose in opposition to slavery, and then continued fighting for equal rights for the newly freed slaves and women’s right to vote.

It’s not the mainstream narrative. Yet, it is our great heritage and a major part of our party’s DNA.

The Beginnings

Early 1854, following the publication, “Appeal of Independent Democrats”, in Ripon, WI.

The First 16

The first African Americans elected to the U.S. Senate & Congress (16 total) were ALL Republican.

Women’s Suffrage

19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution passed August 26, 1920 securing the right to vote for women.