A Question For Rep. Arnone

Lori Unghire (R – At-Large)

State Rep. Arnone mentioned in a Journal Inquirer article that he doesn’t think Enfield needs any more liquor stores because, “another liquor store just provides another opportunity for youths to have access to alcohol,” he said.

My question Rep. Arnone can we count on you to vote NO on legalizing marijuana for the same reasons, so our youth doesn’t get access? I know you sit on the Enfield Youth Council and you have an opinion about drug use.

The Democrats have been very clear that recreational marijuana will be voted on in this session specifically because of the money it will generate. They are not taking into consideration future health issues (for example as cigarettes have) just the revenue it will generate.

Please, Rep. Arnone, I ask you to vote against the legalization of marijuana. You may get pressure from your leadership because you are a freshman legislator but we need you to do what is right for Enfield.

Lori Unghire
Previously published in the Enfield Press
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