“I’m here today on this beautiful day,” said Marie Pyznar from the Save Our State rally in Hartford. “…to say no to tolls. Tolls are a tax.”
Marie’s sentiments were shared by hundreds of concerned citizens who descended upon the State Capitol on Saturday, May 18th. While opposition to tolling proposals was a focal point of the rally, a larger theme pervaded. From Trumbull to Tolland and from East Lyme to Enfield, residents of Connecticut who know we can do better came to Hartford to make their voices heard.
Those who rallied were there to save our state. Those who rallied understand we cannot create jobs by imposing greater fees and regulatory burdens on businesses. Those who rallied recognize we cannot remedy the issue of underfunded liabilities without cuts to spending and reducing fixed costs. Those who rallied know Connecticut cannot attract taxpaying residents by continuing to increase taxes. These sentiments are not “moronic”, as insinuated by a certain legislative leader, nor are municipal resolutions in opposition to tolls. These are the rational, well-reasoned pleas of citizens who understand basic economic principles and the proper role of government.
Wanting a better direction for Connecticut should not be a political issue. Putting us on a pathway prioritizing prosperity should be the goal of all those we elected on November 6th, 2018. In reality, Speaker Aresimowicz and the Democrat legislative majority (the same majority dictating policy for over 20 years) wants to keep trying the same ideas causing our current economic debacle. In stark opposition to the Republicans, who want to control costs, spending and the outflow of businesses, the leadership in Hartford continues to push higher taxes, tolls, more fees and excessive, business-crippling regulation. At the risk of calling this insane, we’ve all heard the old adage of trying the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Hopefully, the Democrat majority in Hartford will listen, chose a different path, join with those who rallied and finally take necessary actions to save our state.
Written By Chris Rutledge
Previously published in the Enfield Press
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